Emily Abbott
Emily first completed her Bachelor of Physiotherapy (First Class Honours) in 2018 in Perth, with her passion for women’s health physiotherapy starting in 2020 during several years of working in hospital settings treating a broad range of patient conditions. She has since gone on to complete several postgraduate courses in Pelvic Health, including a Graduate Certificate in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy at the University of Melbourne.
While originally from WA, Emily has enjoyed living in the Sunshine Coast since early 2022 when she first joined our Sports & Spinal team. You’ll often find her outdoors enjoying nature – camping, paddle boarding or walking through a rainforest! Her passion for all things pelvic health, combined with her warm and friendly personality, is a source of encouragement for all her patients and matched by her drive to see excellent results via a comprehensive and methodical treatment approach.
Emily can treat and assist in antenatal and postnatal management, prolapse, reduced bladder and bowel control, bladder and bowel pain, pelvic pain conditions (e.g. painful intercourse, menstrual pain, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis); and rehabilitation support for gynaecological surgeries.
Emily is available for Women’s Health Physiotherapy appointments at our Maroochydore, Sippy Downs, and Buderim locations.