Claudine Capel

Claudine is client-focussed and she believes that any client can transform their experience of life by working on their subconscious mind.

She has a diploma in clinical hypnotherapy as well as certifications in the DeTrauma technique, NLP and psychology. Claudine’s passion is to help clients create the changes they would love to see int heir lives, particularly those who feel stuck or unable to make change.

Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions can be used for emotional pain, trauma and grief, changing habits and beliefs, reducing physical pain, easing anxiety, solving problems, and reaching goals. The client is always in control during hypnosis, and therapy is gentle and relaxing, while often enabling powerful change quickly.

Claudine offers free 20-minute consultations to help clients decide if hypnotherapy is right for them.

Claudine is available for Hypnotherapy sessions at our Wynnum clinic.