Podiatry @ Coolum Sports & Spinal, 17 minutes away from Marcoola

Opening Hours
Mon - Thurs: 7:30am – 6:00pm | Fri: 7.30am - 4.30pm | Sat: 8am - 1.00pm | Closed: Sun
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Sports and Spinal Physio




Level 2, Matlow Place19 Birtwill StCoolum Beach QLD 4573


Podiatry @ Sports and Spinal Podiatrists are highly skilled in the identification, diagnosis and treatment of common foot and lower limb injuries.

If you are suffering from pain or problems with your feet, ankles and lower legs our fully qualified podiatrists at Coolum are dedicated to working with you to address your goals, relieve pain, regain mobility and effectively treat your foot problems.

Our podiatrists at Coolum are focused on understanding clients’ clinical and lifestyle needs to develop a comprehensive, practical and individualised treatment plan. With an emphasis on patient education, the client is empowered to develop self-management strategies that are targeted towards maximising the benefit of treatment over the long term.

Whether you are looking to prevent an ongoing injury, restore function or improve mobility, or general podiatry treatment, Sports & Spinal’s podiatrist can offer you the best advice and treatment to get you back to your full potential.

To see how we can assist you, click the book now button below.

Our Podiatry services include:

General Foot Care, Sports Injuries, Running Injuries, Foot and Lower Limb Injuries, Heel Pain/Heel spurs, Footwear Advice, Video Gait Analysis, Running/Sports Orthotics, Work and Casual Orthotics, Paediatric Conditions, Diabetic Foot Care, Ingrown Toenail Management, Warts/Verrucas, Diabetic Care and Children’s Foot Care.

Coolum Sports & Spinal is NDIS registered and accepts Medicare rebates and HICAPS health fund claims. EFTPOS and credit card facilities are also available for payment. Conveniently located near Peregian Beach, Yandina, and Mudjimba.

We believe in understanding the whole picture and background, taking the time to work through this and develop a full understanding is of the highest priority.

Your appointment will include:

  • A discovery phase includes history taking, understanding expectations, goals, current level of understanding, barriers and desired outcomes
  • Hands-on assessment and diagnosis
  • Functional assessment – depending on the presenting condition, biomechanical assessment involves thorough sport or activity specific testing and evaluation
  • Treatment
  • An improvement plan mapped out to get you to where you need to be

The plantar fascia is situated under the medial longitudinal arch of the foot. It attaches to both the heel and the toes.  During movement, the central part plays an important functional role by helping the arch lift during propulsion. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of plantar heel pain and 1 in 10 people may experience it in their lifetime.

A positive is that 90% of patients suffering from plantar fasciitis can be successfully treated without surgical intervention. At Sports and Spinal Podiatry, our approach is to work with you to create the best environment for reducing plantar heel pain levels and improving your quality of life as quickly as possible. It is common to start seeing reductions in discomfort levels within the first 2-3 weeks of treatment with our Podiatrists. It is also common to be able to reduce overall pain levels to a very manageable level over a 3-to-6-month period. In some cases, even sooner.

We conduct a thorough screening during your initial consultation, so we are able to give you and your GP valuable information about your foot health status. This screening also allows us to appropriately educate you about looking after your feet and overall health.

More specifically our diabetic foot assessments include:

A Vascular Study:

We use both a Doppler Study and an Ankle Brachial Index test to give you valuable information in regard to the risk of Peripheral Vascular Disease.

By combining information from both tests gives us vital information to give an accurate account of your vascular status with the ability to track this species over time.

Dermatological Observation:

Checking for obvious signs of deterioration and high-risk areas. Recommendations to address these areas are made directly to you (e.g. diabetic friendly footwear, soft pressure offloading orthoses) including setting regular podiatry treatments as required to maintain their feet.

Peripheral Nerve Testing:

Conducted using a monofilament and tuning fork. This allows us to detect any early signs of peripheral nerve deterioration and set a baseline for future assessments. If current or future deterioration is detected, then we pass this information onto your GP for possible further investigation into diabetic status.

Musculoskeletal & Physical Activity Assessment:

We are identifying any potential physical weaknesses and then educating you about how to improve these. This may include giving strength and conditioning exercises that not only help prevent stubborn overuse injuries but also help promote blood flow to the peripherals. An overall discussion about how regular exercise is important for helping regulate blood sugar and overall health is usually incorporated into this assessment.

Footwear Assessment:

Make sure your current footwear is not placing you at risk from complications from friction or pressure. Appropriate recommendations are made about which footwear is best for casual, work and exercise wear. The correct footwear can also make a difference in helping prevent overuse injuries, especially for those beginning an exercise regime to help lose weight.

For those who have diabetes, it is essential to have regular visits with a Podiatrist, to ensure mobility and prevention of long term foot complications.

Sever’s disease is an acute injury to the growth plate at the back of the heel which is most common in young athletes. It is most common between the ages of 10-12.

In children, there is a growth plate located where the Achilles tendon inserts into the heel bone. During periods of rapid growth, the calf muscle and Achilles tendon become tighter causing excessive forces through the growth plate. Forcible and repeated contraction of the calf muscle can injure the growth plate causing pain.


  • Pain where the Achilles inserts into the heel pain
  • Pain increases during exercise
  • Tender through the back of the heel and may be some localised swelling


  • Tightness/Weakness through the calf complex
  • Foot biomechanics
  • Overtraining
  • Playing sport on hard surfaces
  • Inadequate footwear

Treatment may include:

  • Rest
  • Activity Modification
  • Icing
  • Foot Tapping
  • Padding
  • Heel Raises
  • Soft Tissue Treatment
  • Calf/Achilles Stretching and Strengthening
  • Physiotherapy
  • Orthotic Therapy

Morton’s Neuroma is typically described as a compression of the nerve that runs in between the 3rd and 4th metatarsals.  Due to compression, this can cause scar tissue to form and an enlargement of the intermetatarsal nerve. A Morton’s Neuroma usually occurs in an unstable foot type and/or wearing tight-fitting footwear for extended periods of time.

An unstable foot type has the effect of causing instability in the forefoot, this instability increases the movement of the 3rd and 4th metatarsal and as a result, causes the irritation and impingement of the nerve.

Wearing tight-fitting footwear causes a squeezing effect through the forefoot and therefore impingement of the nerve through compression forces.

The pain is generalised through the ball of the foot and can be described as a shooting/burning pain, which worsens while weight-bearing and wearing tight-fitting footwear.  Pain may radiate through the 3rd and 4th toes.  Pins and needles or sharp shooting pain may be experienced when the forefoot is squeezed together and pressure is applied to the foot.

Treatment May Include: 

Conservative Management Includes Icing, Massage, Foot Taping, Padding, Stretching, Foot Strengthening, Adequate Footwear, Footwear Modification or Function Foot Orthoses.

Injections of local anesthetic or cortisone may also be used by Sports Physicians to help relieve painful symptoms.

Our Podiatrists are equipped with the right tools and equipment to be able to take great care of your feet. We attend to Ingrown Nails, Curved Nails, Thicken Nails, Hard Nails, Fungal Infections, Cracked Heals, Callus/Corns, Plantar Warts, Bunions and more.

We offer a full range of foot care services to meet and exceed all of your foot health needs.

Ingrown toenails are toe nails that tend to grow inwards and dig into the flesh of the toe, causing redness, swelling and even infection when left untreated.

Ingrown toenails can be caused by incorrectly cutting toenail techniques and incorrect footwear.

Your podiatrist may have to perform a  partial toenail avulsion procedure, it is a safe and effective treatment that is performed by an experienced podiatrist under local anaesthesia. The aim of the procedure is to remove enough of the nail, generally without the toe being cut or stitched. Followed by the application of a chemical that prevents that small part of the nail from regrowing. Your toe will then be carefully dressed to assist with the healing and protect the surgery site from any infection.

Follow up appointments will be made with our Podiatrist until fully healed, however, the pain will ease within a few days.

Orthotics, more correctly termed here as Foot Orthoses, are shoe inserts that are placed into your footwear to assist rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries. These can be either non-custom or custom foot orthoses and both can play an important role in treatment depending on the condition, the amount of support that is required and the time frame you have been suffering from the condition.

Custom foot orthoses are prescribed from your specific biomechanical measurements and exact dimensions of your feet to assist in an overall treatment plan to alleviate long-standing foot, ankle, knee, and hip pain.

They are often best used alongside physical therapy to aid in deloading injured soft tissue structures so that they are better able to heal and recover. It is important to understand however they are not a magical cure, nor do they train your arches to set them higher despite some misleading information you may come across. Used as part of an overall treatment plan they can be a very valuable addition to getting you back to pain-free movement.

Custom foot orthoses may assist in helping treat the following conditions:

Plantar fasciitis/Heel Spur Syndrome, Achilles Tendinopathy, Tibialis Posterior Dysfunction, Peroneal Muscle Tendinopathies, Midfoot Arthritis, Painful Bunions, Big Toe Joint Osteoarthritis, Osteopenia, Morton’s Neuroma, Intermetatarsal Bursitis, Metatarsalgia, Diabetic Ulcers, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, Shin Splints, Sever’s Disease and Persistent Calf Tears

At Sports & Spinal Podiatry we have the latest & highest quality foot orthoses technology. We take pride in ensuring your customised foot orthoses are designed and made to the highest quality using the latest materials & most accurate methods; such as 3D laser scanning technology and computer-aided design and manufacturing.

What is a Shockwave?
A shockwave is essentially a PRESSURE DISTURBANCE that propagates rapidly through a MEDIUM.

What is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy?
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is a non-invasive, safe and effective treatment in which a device is used to pass acoustic shockwaves through the skin to the affected area. It aims to improve pain, function, and quality of life in conjunction with other treatments.

Common conditions we treat with Shockwave?

  • Plantar Heel Pain/Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles Tendinopathy
  • Shin Splints/Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
  • Patella Tendinopathy
  • And More

How does it work?
It is trying to take affected soft tissue from a more chronic state to an acute state. Doing so provides a stimulus to a ‘stalled’ repair sequence.
The full details of how it does this are yet to be identified, but some of the effects are related to:

  • Mechanical Stimulation
  • Increased Local Blood Flow
  • Increase In Cellular Activity
  • Transient Analgesic Effect On Afferent Nerves
  • Break Down Calcific Deposits (primarily, but not exclusively in tendon)

When will you see the results?
This varies between individuals, but it is not uncommon to start feeling a reduction in pain levels after your first session. The benefit of a reduction in pain last for months. The actual tissue repair effects also continue in the months following. This combined with addressing all contributing factors, will ensure maximum positive outcomes.

How many sessions are required?
Most clinical research has used between 3 to 5 sessions, but up to 8 sessions may be needed in more stubborn cases.
The time between sessions is 4 to 7 days – Ideally no longer than two weeks.

Is it claimable on Private Health?
We use these codes to split the following charges to help you get a maximum rebate back if you have private health for Podiatry. Please check if you are unsure if you are covered.

Codes 014 or 012 – Standard consultation
Code 145 – Electrophysical Therapy

Session costs
Initial consultation (30min) – $145
Follow-up consultations (20/30min) – $115/$145

Is Shockwave Therapy all I need to do?
It is a beneficial adjunct to treatment, but it should not be used as a sole treatment. Working with your Podiatrist or Physiotherapist to address ALL the contributing factors is VITAL for overall success with your rehabilitation.

Why EMS Doloclast Shockwave Therapy?
Bench studies demonstrate that the DolorClast® Radial Shock Waves delivers up to 200% more energy density than competing devices at frequencies of 15 Hz and above and maximum pressure. This means three times more energy for better treatment outcomes.

Sports & Spinal Sippy Downs
9 Ochre Way, Sippy Downs
Phone: (07) 5322 5644

Our Podiatrists at Sports & Spinal are experienced in treating the musculoskeletal condition of the feet and lower limbs. Through working alongside other allied health professionals, we are trained in looking at the whole picture and using the appropriate treatment modalities to help get you back to full function and beyond.

services & FACILITIES

  • On-Site Parking (5 spaces)
  • Street Parking
  • Gym & Pilates Equipment
  • NDIS Registered
  • Medicare Rebates
  • HICAPS Health Fund Claims


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Katherine Harris

Podiatrist: General Care, Sports & Exercise

Katherine holds a Bachelor of Podiatry from the University of South Australia and has built a strong career in podiatry, beginning with her work in private practice in Adelaide before relocating to the Sunshine Coast. With a passion for lower limb health, Katherine is dedicated to helping individuals of all ages and abilities achieve their goals and maintain an active lifestyle.

Katherine’s expertise spans all areas of podiatry, with a particular focus on musculoskeletal conditions, sports injuries and rehabilitation, as well as ingrown toenail surgery. Her comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience allow her to offer tailored treatment plans that address both the immediate needs and long-term health of her patients.

Outside of her professional work, Katherine is an avid traveller and enjoys spending time outdoors. A dedicated netball player for over 20 years, she also coaches at a junior level, demonstrating her commitment to fostering teamwork and developing the next generation of athletes. Katherine’s diverse interests and leadership skills further enhance her ability to connect with and support her patients in achieving their best possible outcomes.

Katherine is available for Podiatry appointments at our Coolum and Nambour clinics.

Prioritize your postpartum recovery!🌸

The Sports & Spinal Women's Health team can help you restore strength, address pelvic floor concerns, and support your body’s healing after childbirth.

A pelvic floor check is an essential part of your postnatal recovery and is highly recommended prior to returning to exercise to prevent any long term complications. 

Contact your nearest Sports & Spinal Women's Health physio today to learn more on how they can assist you 🩷

Prioritize your postpartum recovery!🌸

The Sports & Spinal Women`s Health team can help you restore strength, address pelvic floor concerns, and support your body’s healing after childbirth.

A pelvic floor check is an essential part of your postnatal recovery and is highly recommended prior to returning to exercise to prevent any long term complications.

Contact your nearest Sports & Spinal Women`s Health physio today to learn more on how they can assist you 🩷

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March Into Yellow for Endometriosis Awareness! 💛

Endo can impact women physically and emotionally, but our Women’s Health Physios are here to help. Working with GPs and our multidisciplinary team, we provide tailored care to manage common Endo symptoms.

Contact us today to learn more today ➡️ Head to our bio 

#MarchIntoYellow #EndometriosisSupport"

March Into Yellow for Endometriosis Awareness! 💛

Endo can impact women physically and emotionally, but our Women’s Health Physios are here to help. Working with GPs and our multidisciplinary team, we provide tailored care to manage common Endo symptoms.

Contact us today to learn more today ➡️ Head to our bio

#MarchIntoYellow #EndometriosisSupport"

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The Sports & Spinal Women’s Health team are here to help 💛

Our team can help to reduce common Endometriosis symptoms and help women to manage the severity that they may experience. 

If you’re needing assistance get in touch with your Sports & Spinal Women’s Health Physio to learn more today.

➡️ Head to our bio

The Sports & Spinal Women’s Health team are here to help 💛

Our team can help to reduce common Endometriosis symptoms and help women to manage the severity that they may experience.

If you’re needing assistance get in touch with your Sports & Spinal Women’s Health Physio to learn more today.

➡️ Head to our bio

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March marks 'March Into Yellow,' raising awareness about endometriosis (Endo), a condition affecting 1 in 9 Australian women🌼

Endo can cause severe pain, bloating, fatigue, and impact mental health and fertility. Early diagnosis and management are key! Our Women’s Health team at Sports & Spinal can help treat common symptoms of Endo - contact us today. 💛

#MarchIntoYellow #EndometriosisAwareness

March marks `March Into Yellow,` raising awareness about endometriosis (Endo), a condition affecting 1 in 9 Australian women🌼

Endo can cause severe pain, bloating, fatigue, and impact mental health and fertility. Early diagnosis and management are key! Our Women’s Health team at Sports & Spinal can help treat common symptoms of Endo - contact us today. 💛

#MarchIntoYellow #EndometriosisAwareness

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Unfortunately, back pain is a common problem in our society, with 80-90% of adults experiencing back pain in their lifetime.

Here’s 3 tips you should know:
1. Early movement is key! Avoiding bed rest is important in helping your recovery and will not cause harm 🧘‍♀️

2. Pain does not necessarily mean damage! Think of pain as your body’s internal alarm system, sensing for danger that might cause you harm. Sometimes, this alarm system can react in a way that’s not proportionate to the danger it detects 🚨 ‼️

3. Don’t panic! Most lower back pain will go away within the first 4-6 weeks. Be confident your back will get better with time if you stay active and follow the advice given by your health professionals 

Here’s some of @sportsandspinalmorayfield go-to exercises for lower back pain. For a further individualised assessment, book in with any of our Sports & Spinal teams and let us get you (back) on track 💪🏻


Unfortunately, back pain is a common problem in our society, with 80-90% of adults experiencing back pain in their lifetime.

Here’s 3 tips you should know:
1. Early movement is key! Avoiding bed rest is important in helping your recovery and will not cause harm 🧘‍♀️

2. Pain does not necessarily mean damage! Think of pain as your body’s internal alarm system, sensing for danger that might cause you harm. Sometimes, this alarm system can react in a way that’s not proportionate to the danger it detects 🚨 ‼️

3. Don’t panic! Most lower back pain will go away within the first 4-6 weeks. Be confident your back will get better with time if you stay active and follow the advice given by your health professionals

Here’s some of @sportsandspinalmorayfield go-to exercises for lower back pain. For a further individualised assessment, book in with any of our Sports & Spinal teams and let us get you (back) on track 💪🏻

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Who’s Got the Strongest Grip at Sports & Spinal Physio Broadbeach? 🏆💪

Is it our heavy-lifting physio or the admin champ who’s got a grip like a vice? 🤔

#sportsandspinalphysio #sportsandspinal

Who’s Got the Strongest Grip at Sports & Spinal Physio Broadbeach? 🏆💪

Is it our heavy-lifting physio or the admin champ who’s got a grip like a vice? 🤔

#sportsandspinalphysio #sportsandspinal

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Feeling sore and stiff and you're located in Burleigh, Gold Coast? We can help! 💪

Burleigh Sports & Spinal has appointments available for Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology and Massage!

➡️ Head to our bio to book in with our team today and start feeling your best!

Feeling sore and stiff and you`re located in Burleigh, Gold Coast? We can help! 💪

Burleigh Sports & Spinal has appointments available for Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology and Massage!

➡️ Head to our bio to book in with our team today and start feeling your best!

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