An array of cheeses placed on a chopping board

The Heart Foundation has just released new recommendations and it’s good news for cheese lovers!  It has been found that unflavoured full-fat milk, yoghurts and cheeses have a neutral effect on cholesterol levels in healthy individuals.

However, for those who currently have elevated cholesterol levels or heart disease, the recommendations are to continue or swap to low reduced-fat dairy products and no more than 7 eggs per week. Butter and other dairy products higher in fat and sugar such as ice cream and desserts should continue to be consumed in moderation.

Emphasis has also been placed on our red meat consumption.

The Heart Foundation is suggesting no more than 350g of unprocessed lean red meat per week. This is equivalent to 1-3 main meals that include lean beef, veal, pork, or lamb. Processed or deli meats should still be limited as they are linked to a higher risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions.

So where should we be getting our protein from?

It’s suggested that we include plant protein such as lentils, legumes and tofu, as well as fish and seafood, with a smaller proportion from eggs and lean poultry. For main meals, start by filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Add a small portion of whole grains, and a small portion of lean or plant protein and cook with extra virgin olive oil.

The bottom line

Healthy individuals are recommended to consume a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant-based protein. Enjoy fish, seafood, eggs and poultry in moderation. Include full-fat milk, yoghurts and cheeses. Limit red meat (beef, veal, lamb & pork) to 350g per week and limit foods or drinks high in saturated fats, added sugar, salt and alcohol.

Those with chronic conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, Dyslipidaemia or Heart disease are encouraged to follow a similar eating pattern. However, consume no more than 7 eggs per week and swap to reduced-fat dairy.

And of course, we cannot forget the importance of regular exercise and stress management.


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