Buderim Sports and Spinal, 11 minutes away from Forest Glen
Latest Education
Understanding the Role of Feet in Injury Prevention: A Podiatrist’s Perspective
From Senior Podiatrist & Podiatry Founding Partner, Aleks Baruksopulo As a podiatrist, I often explain to patients that the feet are the foundation of the entire kinetic chain, which is…
What is Frailty and How Can a Dietitian Help?
What is frailty? Frailty is a medical condition in older adults where reduced strength, fatigue, and slower movements increase their vulnerability to illness, malnutrition, injury, falls, disability,…
Why it is important to see a Podiatrist to help choose your next exercise shoes?
Choosing an exercise shoe can feel overwhelming as you can have hundreds of them staring down at you when you walk into a store! Seeing one of our Podiatrists at Sports & Spinal can help you make…