Men’s Health
Dietitian Tip – Aim for 3x Different Veggies With Dinner Every Night!
Current research indicates that most adults need to increase their vegetable intake by at least 30% (1). We can do...
Soft Tissue Injuries – Not as simple as R.I.C.E
The RICE acronym (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) has been around for ages as a simple way of remembering elements of...
Hamstring Strain In’s and Out’s
Our muscles are susceptible to various kinds of injury through sports and everyday life. These include delayed onset muscle soreness...
Common Volleyball Injuries
Whether it's beach, indoor, social, or competitive, volleyball is loads of fun and very popular in Australia. However as with...
Mediterranean Tray Bake
This easy recipe delivers maximum flavour for minimum effort. The Mediterranean Diet emphasizes healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes,...
To Eat Cheese or to Not?
Cheese has always been one of those tricky foods that are heatedly debated as to whether or not they should...
Men’s Health Week 2022
Good health is essential for a good life. But there are barriers that get in the way of keeping our...
Making the final decision on which Running Shoe: Important considerations
As previously discussed, there are many options when trying to choose running shoes, often making the choice overwhelming. To...
7 Important considerations by a Running Podiatrist when helping you choose running shoes
Like I mentioned in my last blog, it can be daunting when trying to figure out what running shoes you...
Diet and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by widespread pain and tenderness (sensitivity to touch). The pain and tenderness tend to come and...