Choosing an exercise shoe can feel overwhelming as you can have hundreds of them staring down at you when you walk into a store! Seeing one of our Podiatrists at Sports & Spinal can help you make this decision easier.

Here are some of the reasons why…

✔️ We can help you understand different shoe features and guide you towards certain features that may be important for you depending on what body type and foot type you have or condition you may be suffering from.

✔️ We can educate you on what all the fancy jargon the shoe company’s means and incorporate what the research says to concentrate on what really matters.

✔️ Help you understand why comfort is key while still considering adequate features for your situation.

✔️ Help you understand how to work with the shoe store person to decide on the most adequate shoes.

✔️ Help you pick running shoes for the right activity.

✔️ Double check your choice after purchase before actually starting to wear them.

Ready to take the next step?

Our podiatrists can guide you in finding the right shoes for your unique needs 👣

Book an appointment today! 👇